I’ve gone through all the documentation I’ve found (js docs and api docs), but still can’t manage to figure out how to do it. I also haven’t found anything relevant on this forum.
To expand a bit on the title, I have a grasshopper file test.gh, and a 3dm model model.3dm. I’m trying to send the model as input to the grasshopper file.
What I’ve done so far:
const rhino = await rhino3dm()
const ghScript = await loadFileAsUint8Array('./path/to/test.gh')
const modelArray = await loadFileAsUint8Array('./path/to/model.3dm')
const file3dm = rhino.File3dm.fromByteArray(modelArray)
// here I'm lost. Not sure how to process `file3dm` to get the geometry
const trees = []
const inputModel = new RhinoCompute.Grasshopper.DataTree('RH_IN:MODEL')
inputModel.append([0], ???)
const result = await RhinoCompute.Grasshopper.evaluateDefinition(
The closest I’ve gotten is this code sample by @fraguada. I guess what I’m missing is how to get the whole geometry, instead of each object’s geometry one by one.
Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
My bad, I forgot to add the grasshopper script. Here it is (EDIT: I wanted to add it to the original post as well, but It seems I can’t edit the original post anymore).
@fraguada I’ve tried a few different GH nodes to deserialize the file, but all of them seem to need a file path. Can you share an example code, even if just minimal, where I can see what part of the file I have to serialize on the JS side, and how to deserialize it on the GH side?
The lack of documentation both on the JS and Python libraries makes this task way harder than it should be. Methods present in the docs but inexistent on the objects and the other way around. And the description in the docs is most of the time “…” or “[todo] add documentation”.
I’ve tried many things, like using the .encode() method in the JS side, but surprisingly there’s no .Decode() method on the python side, despite the documentation stating so.
I’ve also tried sending a string with the byte array created in JS, but the most I get on python is “expected Array[Byte] but got bytearray”.
When creating the bytearray in JS I’ve tried a couple of different ways. One with node APIs, and the other one using model3dm.toByteArray(). Both give a byte array representation, but they’re slightly different.
I’m completely in the dark here. Any help would be appreciated.
When we get the encoded file data, we actually need to save it to the local disk. That is what the C# component does:
// in SampleGHDocInput.gh
var tmp = Path.GetTempFileName();
tmp = Path.ChangeExtension(tmp, "3dm");
var b64 = System.Convert.FromBase64String( data );
File.WriteAllBytes(tmp, b64);
A = tmp;
Then you have your file path. I use an Import3dm component, but you could use RhinoDoc: