Load Htaches for Wall Styles

Hey there,
I´m fairly new to VisualArq and tried to mame my own library for some wall styles, slabs etc. to get my own library.
Is there a way to use different, custom made hatch styles to ephasize wall layers.
(such as insulation, concrete, brickwork etc.) I know, that there are some premade ones.
But how to customize?
Is it possible to export wall styles as single wall styles and enrich your existing libraries just with the one you made right at the moment - e.g. load them as needed and not as a whole library.
Sorry, for the noob questions here, but it would be great if someone could help.
Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Hi Manuel,
VisualARQ uses the existing Hatches available in the document. You can import new ones as *.pat files from the Tools > Options > Document Properties > Hatch:

Take into account that in VisualARQ templates there are more hatch patterns than in Rhino templates.
Then you can assign the imported hatches to VisualARQ objects from the styles dialog > attributes tab:

Regarding your second question, you can export VisualARQ object styles one by one or as a multiple selection of styles of different object types. Run the vaStylesExport command, and after selecting the file to export the styles to, you will see a list of all object styles in your document. Just select those you want to export: image
When you need to import them, run the vaStylesImport command, select the .val file, and select the styles you want to import.

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hey fsalla,
thank you a lot for your support and the immediate response.
That´s how customer service should work. Big Thanks to you.
So, now i will try to implement that workflow and switch over to rhino and visualarq completely.
Best regards,