"live" Z coordinate of block as text


I am trying to make a “live” elevation block that reflects the Z coordinate of the block insert point. I tried with the text field inside the block but the text is static because it references on original geometry. I tried phyton but I do not know how to read GUID of a new instance of block.

Please help!


to be more specific…last line of code is not working!

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

pick=rs.GetPoint(“select a point”) #pick point
mypoint=rs.AddPoint(pick) #insert point

print “The object’s unique id is: {0}”.format(mypoint)


I find out solution to this problem.

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

pick=rs.GetPoint(“select a point”) #pick point
mypoint=rs.AddPoint(pick) #insert point
print “The object’s unique id is: {0}”.format(mypoint)
print mypointstr
fieldstr=‘%<PointCoordinate("’ + mypointstr + ‘",“Z”)>%’
print ("FS: ",fieldstr)

Hi Igor -

Yes, we have the request on the list as RH-68819 TextField: BlockInsertionCoordinate text field

Thanks for the info!