Can someone give me an example of the correct way to enter the id in the below?
I tried this but it didn’t work.
Can someone give me an example of the correct way to enter the id in the below?
I tried this but it didn’t work.
Include the quotation marks around the guid, like this:
I still can’t get it to work. I saved a sample and attached it. I want to be able to 2d scale the line and have the dimension cha
Test2.3dm (739.7 KB)
nge with it.
Works here after editing your file, but I’m on V7 on macOS.
Test2_re.3dm (738.4 KB)
How are you entering this text? Have you tried using the Text Field button on the Edit Text dialog (or properties panel)?
I didn’t have access to my Windows pc earlier, here’s how it works with Rhino V8 on Windows (pretty much the same as V7 on macOS).
Run _text command.
In the dialog, click the Text Fields button.
Click Ok
Click Ok
Click to place text.
Works thank you.