Here’s a simple testscene (just a few lines with a new linetype): test linetype scale.3dm (49.4 KB)
There’s a layout in there, which looks ‘correct’. The model space should look the same.
The new Linetype panel (and of course the options dialog) has this Model space scale parameter:
However, it does not scale the line width as well, which it should. It only scales the pattern width.
The only way to change the line width is to adjust the Width parameter directly, which would break the layout look.
Basically, it’s great that Rhino now can display linewidths in absolute units (not relative to screen space, like pixels). Like in Autocad.
Working in layout space works now closer to vector graphics programs (illustrator, adfinity designer…). You zoom in on your virtual sheet of paper and the linewidth zooms with it. What one would intuitively expect.
One would also intuitively expect the model space to look the same as the layout, given the model space scale is set accordingly.
But for some strange reason, only the linepattern is scaled, not the width. What kind of.sense could this possibly make?