I’m using Rhino WIP 6.0.17206.9241, 07/25/2017.
I found the LinearDimension in RhinoCommon doesn’t work in this version.
Which caused all the related functions in rhino python and grasshopper not working.
The same script will work in Rhino 5.
The created linear dimensions exist in the rhino document because if you do “SelDim” you can find them, but they are invisible nor do them have right properties (location, length… etc)
Dimensions is one of the area in Rhino that has been overhauled for V6. Thus, scripts that once worked ‘may’ not work yet as we are still in the process of tracking down issues.
If you are just calling into RhinoCommon, you can use the new, easy-to-use LinearDimension.Create function.