Thank you Dale. This worked indeed for vertical orientation! I haven’t tried a tilted dimension yet (like aligned ones from default GUI), but I guess they follow the same principle,
(By the way, do you have any idea about what is the use of the .Aligned property?)
I have a follow up question, for which I would also appreciate some guidance.
What I try to do in my Python script (RhinoCommon) is to automatically add some lines in the document, along with dimensions that show their relative distances.
Ideally, I would like to have these dimensions automatically self-updating when the user moves the lines.
I was shown by members of this forum how to achieve this in the GUI by enabling ‘Record History’.
Is it possible to create a similar setup using a Python script?
I noticed that methods like AddLinearDimension and AddLine do include a HistoryRecord parameter.
which, as far as I can read, is more of a custom history-based updating process, and I also don’t know if Python scripts can get callbacks from Rhino (?)
I would think that commands like AddLinearDimension expect HistoryRecord structures where specific object references are signed to specific indices (?). However, I couldn’t found any examples/documentation…