Line breaks in long Grasshopper component RuntimeMessages?

Hi everybody,

Is it possible to introduce line breaks in long Grasshopper component RuntimeMessages - remarks, warnings, and errors -, because very long strings tend to surpass the screen width sometimes, which is annoying!

import Grasshopper as gh

e = "Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long error message"
ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(gh.Kernel.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, e)

Using \n does nothing!

Any ideas?


Nope. Although you’ll have trouble enough getting people to read a short message, let alone a long one…


I usually add multiline runtime information in the component Message (the little black tab that sticks out the bottom). It works quite well and is simple to implement.

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Ah, I see. Thanks, but not really what I’m looking for. I prefer the more discreet little balloon that pops up.

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P1r4t3b0y and I found that this is a problem on the Mac version.

On windows, this will do just fine for a (very, very long) white bubble remark

r = "A very\n"
r += "very long remark"
ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(gh.Kernel.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, r)