Bug: Grasshopper Pipeline Component

Hi all,

I just wanted to note a small bug in the Grasshopper ‘Pipeline’ component on MacOS:

The Component works, but the display of the text input fields is not sizing correctly, but:

If you enter a long string (for example, if you want to enter “Layer01::Layer”) then the text input panel does not properly resize as you type, which means you can’t see the text you are typing

Once input, the component does seem to show the long text properly:

But if you double click and edit the input text, you get an improperly sized input box which cuts off the text:

Obviously this makes it very hard to properly input values into this component.


  • Macbook 2021, Apple M1 Max
  • OS 12.2 (Monterey)
  • Rhino Version 7 (7.15.22039.13002, 2022-02-08)

all the best,

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Hi Ed -

Thanks - put on the list as RH-67813.

I just want to complain about this issue yet again :wink: this is suuuuuuuuch an obnoxious bug and makes it so much harder than it needs to be. Its been a year? can we have a fix for this yet please?

thanks in advance and all the best,

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I’m complaining about this bug yet again, in the hopes that it bumps it up the priority list (one can hope , after all…) On large GH files, to sit and wait for many minutes for the entire thing to re-calc, just because you accidentally hit the layer change visibility button is really frustrating.

Pretty please could it be fixed?

all the best,

I’m a few months early for my annual complaint about this item - but it really sucks, and so I’m going to do it anyway. Please can this get fixed? Pretty please?

thank you,

RH-67813 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 15

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Great news!! Thank you!!! :fireworks: :sparkler: :slight_smile:

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