License for Rhino 8, cross-platform?

The license purchase page shows “Windows and Mac”
Does this mean I could use a single license for both Windows and Mac. Surely not at the same time, as in logging off from Windows and logging in on Mac, vice versa at a time?

One license=one user (machine) at a time - but can be either a Mac or a PC, same license.

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The only time Rhino was platform specific was for Version 5, the first release for Mac Rhino.

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Thank you for confirming.

How could we change that description so it was more clear?

Maybe it was just me, but probably I was looking for something like “a single license works for both Windows / Mac at a time” in parenthesis or something.

There is a very strong bias here internally to minimize verbiage. It does help with language translations, and it looks better, but I think we go too far and we lose clarity.

I think “Single seat, Windows and/or Mac” would be closest to industry standard terminology. That would also answer a question I asked tech support recently, which was to confirm that such a license can be assigned to a team not just an individual.

I think you probably want to either put a sentence or two on the page to explain licensing or put a hyperlink right next to it to more detail.

Thanks. I’ll pass those suggestions along.

On this page, I see:

Is this clearer?

This presentation makes sense to me.

If a significant number of people call/email, I’d still be tempted to link to an faq or put an explicit but short paragraph somewhere it’s immediately visible.

If you do so, don’t be shy about making it a sales pitch for the value points of no subscription and user flexibility for number of installs and multiple operating systems.

Like this? Rhino - Rhinoceros 3D

I hadn’t seen that before. Great! Love the shrink wrap video.