I want to try scripting.
simple macros were always fine for me but lately they make my wip crash or behave unexpected.
usecase: renderbatch
I used to do it like this: _SetViewToSpotlight _-SelName view01 _EnterEnd _Render _-SaveRenderWindowAs C:\folder\filename-01.png _CloseRenderWindow
my method is to use turned off spotlights as views in the scene. I set up as much views/spotlights as I need and name/number them.
the macro just hops the view into the different spotlights, renders, saves and closes and then of course - repeats.
since a view wips this macro doesn’t wait for the rendering to finish but instead immediately saves and closes the rendering - I need a more reliable approach now.
I hope you can just give me some tips where to start learning basic scripting for rhino. tutorials, etc.
I downloaded the “RhinoScript101” pdf but I’m not sure if this brings me to what I want.
should I start with Rhino-Python instead of RhinoScript?
I found this RhinoScript, just what I need, seemed perfect at first. uses NamedViews instead of Spotlights. I probably shouldn’t misuse spotlights for this purpose anyway.
it’s just the same as with the macro. saves and closes the renderwindow before the renderings is finished.
so that bug also prevents the use of script in this regard.
tried yours but same again here. rhino crashes. I use the latest wip.
it’s strange because sometimes it makes rhino crash and other times it doesn’t crash but saves and closes directly after the rendering started.
and I just noticed. the crash only happens when cycles is the selected renderer - with the rhino renderer enabled it works just fine. so have you tried it with cycles too?
And I am still on vacation, so no fixes from my side on this. Next WIP most likely won’t have a fix either, as I return next Tuesday. Best you can do is hope for a coding frenzy, with great new insights due to a rested mind (:
well yes, rhino wip isn’t crashing anymore when running the the commands in that order.
but still it is not possible to use the render-script together with cycles.
rhino-wip saves and closes the renderwindow before the renderings is finished.
that is still the same as before when using the macro.
running the script (which uses some of the same commands as the macro) isn’t working at all:
and you know what?!
no, not even the crashes are fixed. I tried several times with different macro-versions and after some time the crash happens again.
sorry, RH40341 does not seem to be fixed.