Lan Zoo server crashed - move to cloud

Hi, Unfortunately the server I was using to host my LAN Zoo crashed and appears to be unrecoverable. I would like to move all my licenses to the cloud however when I attempt to add them it says that it is already in use by my LAN Zoo server. According to the manual I have to remove them from the LAN server first however this is not possible now.

Is there a work around for this?


You should contact your local McNeel sales office to get help with this.

Hi @wattzie,

Does the LAN Zoo crash or just not start? Can you describe in further detail what’s going in?


– Dale

The server itself is dead. I am still trying to figure it out but it looks like either the CPU or HDD is toast.

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call sales at 206-545-7000 to manually release your licenses if the server is unrecoverable. This will allow you to move them elsewhere.

I see 6 license clusters (V6 and V7 upgrades) in your LAN Zoo, so this should be pretty fast to do, but we close for the weekend at 5p Seattle time.
Get hot.

You can also prepare by having your Rhino users create logins here:

Then as the Team Owner, in Team management tools, you can send them invitations to the Team you created.
They will need to click on the link in the message to accept the invitations.

I just called and they requested that I send the information via email.

Thanks for the help everyone!