Hello everybody!
I am currently studying C# programming and trying to understand how connecting Rhino identifiers works using rhinocommon. From my file, polylines are being read in certain layers. So, I can generate a specific nomenclature for each type of area continuously, for example A3_0, A3_1, A3_2 and so on.
I’m new to vanilla C #, so I still don’t fully understand the logic; however, I was able to select the content of each entry (layers), generate index and nomenclature lists for each area. All in 3 C# components on grasshopper.
C# components:
In component 1 Rhino geometry collected, write nomenclature and its indexes in lists;
In component 2 get area of each element;
In component 3 write nomenclature in the Rhino viewport using the centroid of each geometry.
The next step for me would be to identify the vertices of each polyline and generate a dimension in the Rhino viewport and rename similar areas with the same label, using the condition that they must have vertices of the same length in 2 decimal places rounding,
#1 Component C#:
#2 Component C#:
#3 Component C#:
Note: I highlighted in red the height control of the texts. Bad control
Unfortunately I am facing so touble so I would like to know if someone could help me better understand how to achieve these results.
One of my questions is why can’t I complite all C# components in only one? My #1 component output in A a polyline list of curves. In #2 component I collect by geo input the curves for working fine, but if I place #2 inside #1, the AreaMassProperties amp = AreaMassProperties.Compute(geo); fail to collect in geo = ghobjs;. Can anyone help to understand this issue? ghobjs must be converted in somehow like into Curve()?!
I built the definition using the regular components in the grasshopper, following the logic I tried to translate it into C#, I hope it helps to understand what I’m looking for here.
Grasshopper definition:
Follow result in viewport. With text came from gh definition + dimension, back text came from C# definition.
Thank you so much for any help!
Test C#.3dm (77.4 KB)
Test C#.gh (19.4 KB)