Knife modeling practice

playing around


Nice 3d model and render!

If I may I will add a bit of roundness to the handle to give it a light fading in color and highlight.
Also the blade could be improved with a light shade of reflection.
The 3dmodel is perfectly flat in a perfect matte background but reality is always more than this. The real knife would never be so perfect.


cool model! Making a real one?


I like the chamfered edges, rounded doesn’t always look nice.

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Made some changes to it. How about now?

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Nope, I got a technical drawing from the knife and was just building it after that. Just practice, like doing your Rhino YT stuff too :slight_smile:

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For me, the blade now looks awesome.
If I can I will just change the exposure control to reduce the contrast and the brighteness: the red handle is now very bright.

Did you enable the exposure control in the rendering settings?

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I´m rendering this in Rhino. Not sure if there is something like this?
I´m in Blender right now to try some more.

Blender Version now.


curious how close you could get to this in rhino… Blender and rhino both use the cycles engine to render, blender just has more features enabled.

IMO you could hit this without leaving rhino.

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Never tried actually, I guess you’re right. Maybe I’ll try this, although I like blender and the materials you can create but I guess it’s the same process for rhino. I think blender offers more downloadable materials?

Same engine, different setup.
Like a Toyota and a Lotus :smile:

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there is that… :wink:

Now that we have the latest cycles engine in Rhino, hopefully we can start getting a bit more lotus like…


perhaps, they do have a few more features turned on than we do. Ideally our implementation becomes more full featured as we go forward now that the main infrastructure lifting has been done.

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