Karamba Joint - Bending Stiffnes

Hi, I have a question with this two components.

I have a steel structure with trusses. My question is about the Line to Beam bending stiffnes options. If I put “bending” false the options says “Otherwise it is a truss” that includes the bending stiffnes of the element is zero but also include joints at the ends ?
When I use de “Model View” and I turn on “Joints” I can see orange circles looking exactly like if i define a beam joint. In this case, it wont be neccesary to define the beam joint ? What happend if hay do it ?

Thanks for your help

Moved to Karamba3d category.

if you activate a beam as a truss element, it automatically removes its rotational degrees of freedom at the end points of the beam, therefore applying a joint would no longer any effect. More information can be found on the link below.