Karamba3D Joints?

Hello, I need these two sagging beams, which are defined as 2field beams with an articulated support on top of the column head 1. I tried to establish a connection between this component by using the JoinAgent and contracting the identifiers. but somehow that doesn’t bring the desired result.
So I tried to provide the curve with a control point in the middle, but the program then turns it into 4 beams instead of the 2 I want.
Does anyone have an idea about this?
Thank you very much

ok so the trick was to get those elements by selecting and merging the elements from the subdivided surface. Then i made a joint via the joint-agent-component between those two elements.

But then, when I apply the next elements to the struct, unexpected behavior occurs. these elements need a parabola as a moment progression, but some of them are linear… And then as soon as I deform the display more or activate the elements via the render settings of the beam view, the model is out of the viewing area

Hello @Kevin_Scholtyssek,
my first guess is that some parts of your structure are kinematic.
You can check whether the model consists of one piece using the “Connected Parts”-component. Another possibility to detect rigid body modes is to do an Eigenmodes analysis (see here).
– Clemens

can you share your definition as its hard to troubleshoot from just the video

Internalized Data.gh (196.0 KB)
thank you for your help, i will look up the eigenmode analysis…

some of your elements are not connected properly:

please refer to our recent tutorial on checking your model

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