Karamba 3D cross sections not showing (beam view)


I am new to Grasshopper and Karamba, so there is likely an easy fix to this, but I am not able to get cross sections to render in my model, so can’t see the axial stresses in my truss.

Beam view seems to be working, as I can view shear/moments etc.

Any ideas why this is happening?
Truss pt3.gh (66.3 KB)

Hi, please upload your rhino file as your script does not have any internalised geometry.

Apologies, this is what I have been working from. Theoretically it should work with any four points though.

Site Model (older versions).3dm (1.1 MB)

hi, you need to set your grasshopper display to shaded mode (not in wireframe mode)

Perfect, thanks very much