I am having three issues with the mesh result from my Kangaroo script. I’ll split it up into three different parts:
Issue 1:
I want the roof to be completely flat but with the current anchor points, it seems to bulge downwards. The red line below is at 90 degrees and I want the top of the mesh to be aligned to that. I have identified the anchor points I want to be flat too.
Mesh to be aligned to redline:
The component which maintains mesh anchor points from being move:
Issue 2:
The second issue is related to the first where I’ve got the clothed anchor points selected to maintain a flat top. However, when I plug the selected points into the target vertices this result happens (image below). The vertice which is stuck isn’t selected as one of the anchor points so I am unsure why this is happening.
The component which causes this issue but also attempts to keep a flat plane:
This is what the mesh is meant to look like. Clothed anchor component unplugged to show this example:
The reason I want to use those anchor points to create a flat surface is that it will be the ground level that people can walk on for my project.
Issue 3:
The final issue is with the structure meeting to the ground plane. For some reason, the mesh doesn’t meet the anchor points.
Purple is the mesh and white is the anchor points I want to connect to:
I made a test script earlier and it worked but for some reason, this file doesn’t achieve the same result.
Test script here: Ground_Level_Landscape_Test.gh (149.8 KB)
Screenshot from the test script of the structure meets the ground I want to achieve:
Here is the script which has all of the issues presented:
Ground_Level_Landscape_Mesh_Issues.gh (108.2 KB)
I have highlighted the areas with red and white groups to let narrow down where were issues occur.