I have been just struggling with rhino from the start, but I am really bad with 3D programs. I do not understand how I can get exact measurements, as well as how I can create my own shapes. What is the best way for me to create objects with unique shapes, while also being accurate in size. Also what is the best tutorials or anything to learn more.
Hi @DeAunte_Sullivan
The best place to start is right there inside Rhino:
This should bring up the Tutorials tab, and the Level 1 Training Guide:
The Training Guide holds your hand all the way, going through both the interface, all the various geometry types (points, curves surfaces etc.), all the modelign aids (snaps, guides etc.), the interface etc.; it’s all there, and the files for all the little excercises are there as well.
And if you run your head against a wall, always feel free to post your file here on Discourse, and people surely will help you

HTH, Jakob
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