Hello @rosebradley,
here is my script, not sure you will be able to follow if you are new to Grasshopper. I don’t intend to give a lot support. Shudrakka did a great job doing what she has done (https://twitter.com/shudrakka)
Disclaimer :
Be careful with sliders, they are at places where they mustn’t be
Work by step in order to understand
So here a little explanation
I first generate a disk mesh
This mesh is used to capture the Julia contours
Contours of Julia set are depending on various number for the real number
The curves are then ordered (the seam and direction)
Theses curves are then used to make a surface used as bump map
I made it symetric.
Lateral movement can be added
Now this surface could be used to bump other surface (classic thing)
You can now choose the numbers of repetitions in 2 directions, the bump movement, the lateral shift, the torsion
And then transform that to a mesh
Print it
Eat it
Julia Set on surface Laurent Delrieu.gh (120.1 KB)