I think it’s unclear? Untrimming produces two surfaces flushed with each other (duplicate?), then joining them produces a ‘closed brep’ lol - but because they want to use ‘isotrim’ I’m assuming there’s a need to make a new surface that looks like what’s on the picture but single and untrimmed? Or not?
Yes, Im after a new, single surface and untrimmed.
I’ve tried both @Quan_Li and @Rajeev2 scripts and they come close to what I’m after but after I use isotrim the shape of the surface has changed quite a bit.
I’ve attached an updated version of @Rajeev2 script where I have used the shrink component to convert the trimmed to a untrimmed surface which doesnt seem to work properly.
*You can also extrude the lines (instead of projecting) and just intersect the extrusions with the original brep, it’ll take about the same amount of milliseconds to to get the intersections, then you loft, but you’ll have to tell loft options to align sections.
the easiest way is to take the original curves used to generate that shape, and re-create the original surface taking care that the seam line falls here, in the portion that will be trimmed out