My problem is rather simple, however I am still new to Grasshopper and can not figure out how I can create a range, or domain of series of points, each with a different count of points. So my goal is to get multiple series of two rows of (corresponding) points, each with a different count of points. Hope someone can help, thanks in advance!
Thank you, that is definitely interesting… But I want to use those points later to create multiple surfaces and then also extrude them differently, so I want to create multiple objects like here, with different amounts of steps, and be able to have a variety of them, instead of creating just one version. I was not able to create a series of these stairs, with one having 3, one having 4 and so on… That is kind of my problem.
What do you exactly want to be parametrical? Step height, step depth, step width, number of steps, overall staircase height? And which parameters dominate over others, you for instance can’t have both a step depth and staircase depth, since the stairwell depth is step count times step depth for regular stairs like these.
I am looking for a solution for various numbers of steps. I have a number slider for number of steps, overall scale and extrusion. The step height and step depth should be the same and regular. The point is to later on put them in a popgeo and form clusters of these different varieties.
Thank you! That was really helpful. Can I also add a range of different extrusions in there and rotate them in all 90 degree 3D directions?
*Edit: I think I got the extrusion part now! But I am still working on how I could arrange these in space, similar to a Wasp aggregation, only that they can collide and intersect each other. Thank you for the help!!
**Edit: I am also looking into scaling the overall object minimally, in varying degrees, as well as producing intersections of them, that would look like this:
and this: