In order to create data for a machine learning model, I have a script where the variable inputs determine the height, depth and width of a window in a façade (and some angle variables of this façade part) and outputs what the corresponding daylight % is ( Daylight Autonomy from the HB annual daylight component from Honeybee).
I need about 1.000 input-output combinations so I want to iterate my script 1.000 times. I tried using the anemone plug-in but couldnt figure it out to work. Is there a way within the general grasshopper components that I could do this, or is anemone (or any other plug-in) the way to go - if so, any advice on that?
What I eventually aim on getting out of the programme is 1000 values for the inputs and the corresponding output value.
Model to generate ML data.gh (117.6 KB)