Issue with Visual Studio Project Wizard: WPF

When creating a new project via the RhinoCommon Plugin-In for Rhino 7(C#), I receive the following error message when attempting to select WPF. Is there a way I can work around this to get a WPF Rhino plugin?

It appear to be the same result when selecting Windows Forms. Leaving both options unchecked seems to work fine.

Hi @Rebekah1,

Did you get this error when just checking the Use WPF box, or when finishing the project template?

I just created a WPF-using plug-in and didn’t see any errors.

Know your version of Visual Studio and of the Project templates for Rhino 3D might be helpful.

– Dale

Good questions. The error occurs when checking the Use WPF box. The error appears before there’s an opportunity to finish the template process.

Using Visual Studio Professional 2022, and using RhinoCommon Plug-In for Rhino 3D (C#), which by what I can tell is this.

No issues creating a standard standalone WPF App using VS’s template.

What version?

In Visual Studio, click Help > About Microsoft Visual Studio…

What version?

In Visual Studio, click Extensions > Manage Extensions and the click Installed.


– Dale

Visual Studio Version 4.8.09037

Eto.Forms Templates and Previewer Version

Hi @Rebekah1,

Your tools look out of date. Please review the following page and see if this gets you going.

– Dale