I have not used the Grasshopper component in Tekla for some time, and in August, I needed to update Rhino to version 8.11.24254.15001.
Now, while trying to open the GH component in Tekla 2023 I get this error:
And after that several windows pop up with the libraries that GH could not find, though, obviously, they are installed.
I saw that you released a new version of GH Tekla live link yesterday, is there any plan to update GH component in Tekla as well? And did you check its compatibility with the Rhino newer versions (after 8.6)?
At least with Rhino 8.12 and Tekla 2023 everything works fine on my end.
This at least used to happen when there was a mismatch between versions of the Mono.Cecil.dll file.
Check that you have the file Mono.Cecil.dll in your extension install folder (e.g. C:\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\2023.0\Environments\common\extensions\GrasshopperComponentPlugin)
If not, uninstall the current GH component from the Extension manager in Tekla. Then grab the latest installer from Tekla Warehouse (1.4 - updated 2024-04-25 to support Rhino 8.6) and install that one instead.
If the Mono.Cecil.dll is in the install folder and it still doesn’t work, locate the Mono.Cecil.dll file in the Rhino 8 systems folder (C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System\Mono.Cecil.dll) and check the version of that file (right-click the file> Properties > Details tab).
Mine says 0.11.4 for Rhino 8.12, which is the same as the one in the extension install folder.
You could try to copy this file from the Rhino system folder and replace the file in the extensions folder with it to see if that does anything.
As usual, your support is swift, detailed and invaluable! Thank you for that!
My apologies, I had completely missed the statement in the brackets of the GH component in the Warehouse (" updated 2024-04-25 to support Rhino 8.6"). I had checked just a version and started asking you.
So, this file Mono.Cecil.dll was not available at all on my system.
I have reinstalled and it is working fine now!