Issue: FilePdf().AddPage() changes detail CameraLocation unexpectedly


I am creating .pdf files from a viewport using RhinoCommon API, but when I call FilePdf().AddPage() the detail CameraLocation (Z component) is different after the call than before. I would expect it to remain similar.

I’ve attached a sample file and script below.
241212_error_detail_cam_location.3dm (1016.2 KB)

#! python3
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino
import System

def main():

    # get specific layout (pageview)
    pageview = None
    for view in sc.doc.Views.GetPageViews():
        if view.PageName == '993-001_Facade_INT_Back_7-10':
            pageview = view

    # get detail objects
    detail_objects = pageview.GetDetailViews()

    # print detail viewport camera position
    # only show detail object in specific layer
    for detail_object in detail_objects:
        if rs.ObjectLayer(detail_object) == 'LAYOUT::L_Template':

    # export as pdf
    filepath = 'C:/users/info/downloads/temp.pdf'
    resolution = 300
    inch = 25.4

    pdf = Rhino.FileIO.FilePdf.Create()
    width = pageview.PageWidth / inch
    height = pageview.PageHeight / inch
    size = System.Drawing.Size(width * resolution, height * resolution)

    settings = Rhino.Display.ViewCaptureSettings(pageview, size, resolution)


    # print detail viewport camera position
    # only show detail object in specific layer
    for detail_object in detail_objects:
        if rs.ObjectLayer(detail_object) == 'LAYOUT::L_Template':

if __name__ == '__main__':

(I’ve tried to solve this by duplicating the PageView first, this solves the but this adds >1sec per layout to the operation. Exporting large collections of layouts as .pdf results in unacceptable duration)