The isocurve display options seems buggy.
See this video: https://nc.on-situ.com/s/p9SSbLXqqPjeyA6
- When isocurve density is set to 0, the isocurve display stay like density=1
- When density=0 and you uncheck “show surface isocurve”, the isocurve stay visible, but when density>=1 and you uncheck “show surface isocurve”, then isocurves disappear.
- The isocurve density can go under 0 (but reset to 0 after a second).
File with the polysurface attached.
_toMcNeel.3dm (420.7 KB)
Rhino Version 8 SR2 on Windows
(8.2.23339.13001, 2023-12-05)