at step 3, they can simply export the resulting stl
in that case perform these simple steps:
- Save as stp
- open stp in prusa
- repair if necessary
- save as stl
- open stl in Rhino for final check
at step 3, they can simply export the resulting stl
in that case perform these simple steps:
Hello, A little personal experience.
I had the same issue with STL files exported from Rhino,
LycheeSlicer told me that the file was incorrect and Chitubox told me that everything was fine.
Since I hadn’t detected anything with Rhino’s tools, I blamed LycheeSlicer. I sent it to them, and after verification, topology errors were indeed present in the STL file.
So be wary of editors that say “all is good”. There is a higher chance that the information is accurate when the software indicates there is a problem than when it doesn’t.
Following on then,…
Its to be…
unsure we want 4 to happen !! as see below !
Message to my chap…now I see from your images that anycubic has made a very poor faceted version of that dome end.
What The F ?
Instead of 3mf, I exported it to stp and imported that into prusaslicer, without any errors. Also notice the better meshing for this object:
My recipient asks me to resend it just to be sure he has the declared healthy final version.
selbadobject none
selnonmanifold none.
I then as per advice export it as a step file, and receive a warning.
being on the phone to my recipient saying step is better, its embarrasing to have to then say its warning me of something. and pulled the plug on it again.
I had gone with defaults on the export.
we were comparing mesh facets just prior to the step export that I then aborted, pending help here.
Rhino8 shows different facets to bambu and now to anycubic which for some reason is now looking ‘pretty’ as were prusa and bambu, so are they wolf in sheeps clothing ? rhino8 display being the wolf, and was the previous anycubic a wolf in a direwolf clothing (extinct nasty beast, except that found on Skinwalker Ranch !..shot at many times attacking a cow )
and then today the direwolf clothing is gone and anyCubic is sweet !
also Fusion360 has it as
so I am wondering what is the workflow. What is this mesh not created warning ?
what to go with after whatever rhino export is suggested, has been opened and declared healthy by Prusa.
Maybe AnyCubic wont wreck the facets after all.
(its doing my head in)
Hi Steve,
What I meant is
All ok?
Send the .stl or .3mf to your client.
Maybe AnyCubic’s mesher is a different mesher than the one used in PrusaSlicer. BambuLab uses the same, as it is basically a modified copy of PrusaSlicer, so no surprise there.
It could also be that AnyCubic’s resolution is lower, and therefore meshes the step file to a lower resolution to start with.
I personally use the Volume
command… if it reports a volume, it’s valid for printing (in my experience at least)… if it fails at reporting a volume then something is messed up
Hi, Rhino 8
selBadObject ok
Sel nonmanifold ok
volume ok
yippee !
we need a command called BINGO where champagne corks fly, fireworks explode and popper confetti goes off !
export as step, open into prusa slicer (after install of same and a long drawn out wizard just go next next next, avoid accounts and stuff unfamiliar with)
shows as healthy. (no triangle by file name, dont see a health check command)
Export as .stl
open into Rhino8
its gained a much more refined dome end regards facets.
then compare to rhino8 stl export, makes for an interesting comparison !
Save as .stl and step and .3mf and send to the printer guy,… I dont like the way .3mf looks in Rhino though ok in a slicer. (separate thread).
SR4 V3 my latest.
The thin blades were not forming perhaps too tall for their thickness, so reduce to 3:1 ratio
I had to add a fillet to the inside top of the chamber under the holes having moved walls inwards 0.15mm as he said its collapsing in still.
SelBadObject = None
SelNonmanifold = none
Volume gave a figure
so all good to go.
ooops forgot ZoomNaked but with these advised tests passed, all will be ok anyway.
NO !
found naked edges, where the fillet had been made.
Undo the fillet, and ok. run with that.
Why do these tests for ‘good to go’ for 3D printing allow past them naked edges ?
Just what is an exhaustive test set of commands for rhino into 3D printing ?
This has been a can of worms.