Just started using Rhino 8!
What is this behaviour in Arctic mode? Is this some kind of shadow or sunlight setting?
hmm, maybe something to do with the object going outside of the camera frustum target or something…
That doesn’t happen in any other display mode?
That’s weird it’s like interacting with the ground plane…
Only happens with Arctic!
But interesting that you noted the ground plane - I had ground plane turned off for Arctic mode but turning it back on made the strange effect go away…
I didn’t really want the ground plane on but I guess that’s a work around, thank you!
I’ve been working with a colleague today with a similar issue, that turns out was seemingly related to the ‘grid’ settings.
Of course the ‘ground plane’ may still very well be related, but if you want the ground plane still turned off you may consider looking into some ‘grid’ settings to try a somewhat different work around.
Part of the issue with grid settings however is that the workarounds only work for certain display modes. So it’s possible that the ‘arctic’ mode might still have an issue with the grid bugs, and maybe the ground plane being on is the best bet if that works for you.
It may also be an option to copy a particular mode and create your own custom version that can become more editable and possibly more compliant to certain workarounds.
I know that the devs are actively working on bug fixes over time and these issues are much better than they were a few months ago.
I believe version 9 will eventually be much better