Is there a quick way to view Surface Degree and CV count?

I know you can select a surface and choose object properties;

    "U":  degree =2  CV count = 3 
    "V":  degree =7  CV count = 9

and this is the part I want to see. But is this “live” somewhere?

  • “properties, details” requires an additional click to view, and then once open the interface is locked so you need to close to continue.

The reason for wanting to see this is that almost every time I rebuild a curve or surface, I want create one that will match or complement an existing curve.

Am i missing an obvious panel somewhere?

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Hi, could you select the surface and select Rebuild Srf? It gives the info there.—-Mark

@alasdair_mcphail - use the What command.

– Dale

Thanks Mark - Yes, that also gives you the details and is actually my current workflow. It seems a bit convoluted however that i need to pick the surface that I want to match, select rebuild, check the details, close the command and then run rebuild again on the surface i want to rebuild. I was hoping there would be a way to simply select a surface/ Edge/ Curve to see the CV details. (reduce clicks)

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Thanks Dale, I tried that, it brings up the details panel, - which as said above freezes workflow until you close it - Having this as a background dashboard would be helpful where you could just click on a surface/ edge/ curve. It seems the capability is there but at the expense of lots of clicks and disjointed flow.

Something like “_Length” would be an improvement if it allowed you to select a surface/curve and return the degree/ CV to the command bar without having to close afterwards. Holy grail would be ability to have an analysis panel which gave appropriate live info on the selected surface/ curve - for my purposes CV and degree, but why not length, radius, coordinate, Area wherever appropriate in one convenient place.

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@alasdair_mcphail = the Garage plug-in has a 'What` panel.

Run the WhatPanel command.

– Dale

Excellent! this is very useful- thanks Dale! What else is in your garage? (any documention/ release notes?)

Use the PlugInManager command to see the command list.

No, there isn’t any documentation.

– Dale


When rebuilding a curve:
After selecting the curve to be rebuilt, click on “Select Master Curve”. The rebuilt curve will have the same degree, number of control points and knot vector as the master curve. Rebuild does not have a similar option for rebuilding surfaces.

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+1. I think there should be a status area to show basic geometry info like this at a glance, without having to start a command; CV count, spans, degree, overall size.
The object properties panel provides some basic info. This could be a good place for it.
When you select an object, object properties should become visible.