I’m unable to get text objects to show on Section view on VA3/Rh8.
It works on VA2/Rh7.
Txt_Rh7.3dm (903.2 KB)
Txt_Rh8.3dm (2.9 MB)
VARQ 3.2.1
I’m unable to get text objects to show on Section view on VA3/Rh8.
It works on VA2/Rh7.
VARQ 3.2.1
Hi Toni, we will revise this problem and fix it for the upcoming update.
@fsalla Thank you.
Can you provide some estimation of the schedule for the update?
1 month, aprox. But I can send you an internal version as soon as we fix this.
When checking the fix, please check also that text inside blocks and gh-styles works as well.
Hi @Toni_Osterlund we have fixed this error in the next 3.3 update. You can download an internal version here: http://visualarq.s3.amazonaws.com/download/visualarq-
It also works fine with texts in Grasshopper Styles (which I think it didn’t work in VisualARQ 2). In that case, you may need to change the Annotation setting to make Text read always forwards:
Hi @fsalla Thank you for the fix. It works partly.
The texts are visible, but the orientation and sizes of text objects vary.
I will send you two files privately.
First one is the model to be worksessioned, the other is the file containing sections.
It seems that the text objects are generated with whatever style is active at the time, not with the original style. Orientation is still an issue.
I changed the “Text reads forward”, but it did not seem to help the final result. I have been trying to avoid that setting as it generally produces unwanted surprises when exporting to DWG. But I can revise my gh-Window text that the orientation is correct in the output.
Also discovered that the Gh-objects text takes some parameters from the style that is active during update. Because in Gh, using VA Text style -component, one can only set font and size - not style. Therefore it seems the “additional” parameters are taken from the active style. Such as “Text reads forward” and Mask.
It might be less confusing, if you would add the possibility to set the Dimension style in the Text style component explicitly (similar to Elefront).
When the Gh-script looks like this,
Hi @Toni_Osterlund When a text is partially hidden by some geometry, it is generated as outlines in the section view, instead of a true text. And in that case the text is not oriented properly.
Also, the text size seems to be a problem related to generate section views from geometry across worksessions. The problem of text with the wrong orientation happens regardless if the file comes from a worksession or not.
I’ve reported all these issues to the development team and get back to you when they fix them.
Sure, I add your vote for this feature.
@fsalla By the way, have you tried updating VisualARQ worksession files. Attaching one for the first is very very fast, but if you save the reference and update… It takes forever.
It was faster to close and reopen everything, as the update got stuck.
Hi @Toni_Osterlund excuse for the late reply on this.
I’ve tried what you say (using some of the models you sent me recently), and the update of the attached file in the worksession run pretty fast. Please send me the files involved in this problem and I’ll check it again.
Hi, I couldn’t replicate the behaviour with the models I was using at the time. I’m now on SR17, so it could have been a Rhino issue that’s now fixed. I’ll let you know if I come across it still.
And kudos on to extremely fast load times. A model with 6133 block instances, 13004 beams, 200 walls and 748 windows opens as a worksession in under 10 seconds.
Also the V4 IFC import is super fast, though still misses some geometry and data.
Hi @Toni_Osterlund, I’m glad to know the problem with the worksessions doesn’t happen anymore.
I’m interested about this missing geometry and data, if you can forward any case where it happens, so we can fix it!
I sent you an email.