Is it possible to embed Rhino viewport in Winform or WPF?

Hello. I have some question about embedding rhino viewport in .NET develop environment.

I searched some code about that, such as ‘rhinocommon’ and ‘rhino inside’, but I think this is just for use plug in in Rhino.

Is it possible to embedding rhino viewport and using rhino’s function in winform develop environment? (for example, make surface)

Are you referring to having a Rhino viewport in your own stand alone application or from a dialog in a plug-in? Both approaches may be possible, but to a very limited extent. There is a control in the Rhino.UI assembly named Rhino.UI.Controls.ViewportControl that exposes this functionality.

I use this control in an experimental Grasshopper component that you can try at

Thank you steve. I read that, maybe it is about embedded grasshopper UI(GH Canvas). Or like these method, be able to use RHINO UI & function? And you said this work has limit. It means that I can’t use rhino’s modeling and analysis function? Do you know how much it has limitation?

I am having trouble understanding your questions. Could you please maybe elaborate or rephrase your questions so I can better understand? Thanks

Oh sorry, my english is not good. I want to use rhino’s viewport and grasshopper function with my custom calculate algorithm. So i wonderred about using rhino’s viewport and function, such as surface creation or volume calculation function, as external library like openGL. And you wrote reply about GHCanvasViewport sample project. Can I apply rhino’s viewport to my stand alone program using this sample project?

No problem. Your English is not that bad, I just needed some more information in order to give a decent answer.

If you are writing your own stand alone program, then the way to embed Rhino’s functionality is by using Rhino.Inside. We don’t have anything working yet for what you are asking, but this is something that I am hoping to add as we improve the Rhino.Inside functionality.

Really thanks for your reply. It is not supported ‘yet’. I wish that ‘Rhino.Inside’ is developed soon.