Is it possible to delete this Booleen Differance cutout from the solid?

I created this cutout ( the area that is yellow ) using the Booleen Difference but now I changed my mind and want to remove just that area of the cutout. ( I had already saved the change, so using the undo is not an option )

Just curious if this is possible?

I have attached the original file

Example Drawing.3dm (773.9 KB)

Yes it is possible, but not as simple as the original creation.

ExtractSrf with Copy=NO the involved surfaces, both the parts to be deleted and parts with the cut-outs.
Delete the unwanted parts.
Untrim the cut-outs.
Trim the untrimmed parts as needed.

The Boolean commands are useful, but it is important to learn how to use Trim, Split and Delete directly.

you can also subselect with (windows) ctrl shift + left click, and delete.

for the untrimming i believe you would have to still explode the surfaces first, (at least i have to on mac)

Thank You very much… these are both great suggestions…

Thanks again…


this part presents a very easy fix since stuff is generally planar.

hack out a square, then extrude an edge and join it all back together.

bonus points if you merge coplanar faces.

And extra bonus points if you merge all of the edges in the end. This applies for all the solutions in this thread and is the only way to remove the cutout 100%. Trim and untrim easily leave split edges in the surfaces.