Is e57 pointcloud export possible?

Hi, I need to export some e57 pointclouds, is this possible through Rhino?

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looks like this is going to be great fun to implement:
at least here the original paper for the format:

I’d love to implement it right now, but before christmas it will sadly not be possible.

I don’t think Rhino has tool for exporting point cloud in e57 (maybe point coud plugin by Veesus could do that, I am not using it). CloudCompare is nice free tool for advanced point clouds operations. It can open files as below and convert them to e57 or other popular formats:

I also think any massive point cloud edit operation will be faster in CC than in Rhino. I often used CC to prepare point clouds (subsample and/or divide) before importing to Rhino through worksession for better performance.

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I often export pointclouds out of Rhino 3D.
One way is to export a “PLY” file or a “TXT” file (PLY is MUCH faster), then use CloudCompare to save it as an E.57.

OR… the Veesus for Rhino plugin offers E.57, LAS 1.2, PTS, and RCS (recap) file export.
Recap is particularly handy for clients who are using AutoDesk products such as Revit.

It is also worth noting that CloudCompare can read and write Veesus VCP files.