I would like to use a python code i have done with anaconda. It uses win32api and Crypto.Cipher.
Is it compatible with Ironpython ?
If so how to install those 2 modules in Iron Python?
Thanks for your help
Win32api is a Windows-specific library, and Crypto.Cipher is a third-party library that is not included in the standard library. IronPython is an implementation of Python that runs on the .NET framework, which is different from Anaconda, which is a distribution of Python with many scientific computing packages pre-installed.
To use your Python code with IronPython, you will need to first check if the libraries you used are compatible with IronPython. Win32api is a Windows-specific library, so it will not work on other operating systems like Linux or macOS, but it should work on Windows with IronPython. Crypto.Cipher is a third-party library, so you will need to check its documentation to see if it is compatible with IronPython.
Thanks a lot for your help !
It seems that pycrypto is not going to work because it’s written in C.
Do you have an idea on how to install win32api module in Grasshopper ?
Foremost, IronPython also contains the ‘ctypes’ module. With ‘ctypes’ you can marshal/call unmanaged code (e.g. C). Just as any .Net application can do. You just need to write the interface for yourself. If this is too complicated, you can also look for a .Net equivalent to this functionality. There are a lot of crypto libraries out there, probably as good as this particular library is. Maybe even a wrapper to this particular one.
Thanks a lot for you answer. I ll probably go for a C# program instead.