We know each other since forever,… Please keep the conversation friendly, it will help to keep all of us healthy. 
As I mentioned before, the problem arises, as you now also noticed, with mixed types. _Join
is actually a great example: it will just entirely ignore anything that happens among different types. This appears not to be what you expect, though.
It cannot really happen this way at once because we still have to select two sets, so I assume we select one surface first, then the mesh and the other surface. So, would this transformation with render meshes be a satisfactory outcome? So, as soon as one element is a mesh, everything gets transformed into a mesh? I’m asking because I’m not sure, and this is probably why the “ancestral developer” chose to implement this feature in this way. But we can only guess.
If we are consistent with how _Join
behaves, as mentioned above, we would get the surface-surface couple, and for the mesh, we would get nothing done. But this will certainly create a lot of technical support so I don’t think this would be appreciated by the support team.
Another possibility is that the mesh is transformed into a NURBS with the _ToNURBS
command and the result is computed between polysurfaces. This is the most “precise” geometric result, far different from the rendermesh approach (for a sphere and a mesh plane, you get a circle, not a polyline), but it also has a big disadvantage: it will only work for small meshes. For larger meshes, _ToNURBS
will never end. This is because meshes have a much smaller memory footprint than the equivalent polysurface and support way more faces.
A final approach would probably be that an option is given, and _IntersectTwoSets asks how to deal with mixed types; options could be: Ignore
, UseRenderMesh
, and UseNURBS
, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Having such a fine-tuned command would probably be amazing: Again we can only guess the underlying thinking of the “ancestral developer”; but I think it could be something along these lines: so much work for maybe a little-used command, with so many other issues on the todo list.
Sometimes, we have to do with the resources that management gives us. So, what do you think we should do?
Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates