With the help of this forum I was able to develop a working grasshopper model to intersect a list of planes with any selected surface (via Brep | Plane Cross Section), while passing the attributes of the parent objects (basically layers) to the generated intersections. The later was the biggest challenge. Attached you can find this file. You will need to bake geometry to confirm that the layer attributes are passed to the intersections.
On that follow-up, I am now also interested in doing the same for other entities besides surfaces, particularly curves. In other words, I would like to intersect the same list of planes with a miscellaneous set of objects, obtain the intersections (surfaces for solid objects, curves for surface objects and points for curve objects) and maintain that “keep parent layer” procedure. My difficulty is that contrary to the Rhino command “intersect”, which does that regardless of the nature of the parent objects, in grasshopper I need to “predict” what that would be and use the correct Intersect/Contour sub-command. Any suggestion on how to go around this?
Misc Intersections.3dm (63.7 KB)
Misc Intersections.gh (21.9 KB)