Intersect Fail on Saddle Shape

Trying to trim a cylinder with this saddle shape with circular arc cross sections. Trim, Split, Intersect all fail.

Saddle Trim.3dm (128.8 KB)

Try to split the cylinder where it has coincident edges with the red surface and then do the intersection

I already have the bottom half split from the two top pieces.

the corners of the red surface are degenerated.
the edges form a 180-degree “corner.” (which is not a corner)
many calculations / operations will fail because of this. - the normal does not exist at the degenerated corner.

To proof: just trim (_split Isocurve shrink=yes) a very small portion near the degenerated edge - and you can intersect and trim - but of course not build the final joined surface)


SaddleTrim_02_tp.3dm (3.2 MB)
