Internalize objects, annotation settings, Blocks Definition

@AndyPayne Is there is way to internalize objects or annotation settings without having to go down to every little constituent parameter? My goal is to create a standalone GH script using the GH player. I’d like my annotations to have specific parameters that are currently defined in Rhino. It’s easy for me to extract all the setting from the Rhino object… if only I could internalize it.

For context these are all the setting in an annotation style:

Hi Koramblyum,

Not quite following what you are trying to do. If you want to change the Annotation settings you would push the changes to the Rhino file via the Content Cache.

@Japhy Thanks for your reply. I want the settings to be saved in grasshopper to work on any Rhino file. There are so many parameters that make-up an annotation style. I’d like to save the parameters from an existing annotation style in Rhino, so that I can apply it to any other Rhino file.

The same goes for Block Definitions. I had a project in which I needed to internalize dozens of Blocks in the Grasshopper file. That means for every Block I needed to save layers and other Geometry attributes in GH.

Thanks for the additional details.

You can use the Import Content component.

Here i put the Annotation Style in the block but they can be baked on their own. (9.0 KB)
MyTemplateFile.3dm (72.4 KB)

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