Is it possible to install new Python module to use with the Rhino Python script interface?
I’d like to use the CSV module for example which I downloaded. But installation instruction ask for a classic Python machine that I don’t have and that probably won’t be usable in Rhino.
Any idea ? or explanation ?
Thank you
If you choose Tools -> Options… In the Python editor (_EditPythonScript), you can see the manually-added default search paths. However, the official list is the one you get when you run:
import sys
I hope this helps,
Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates
csv is going to be a problem, sorry. This module should automatically just work in the V6 WIP, but for V5 you’re out of luck.
Yes, thank you,
I knew about that, I was just using 32bit rep when running 64bit rhino.
Now, modules are detected.
Too bad that CSV can’t work in V5.
I have a module installed that I installed via PIP and can access via pycharm with python 3, but for the life of me I can’t get it to load in rhino/gh, I add the directory to python options via the editor in Rhino 6…
what am I missing?! Something in ironpython to install the module?
Did you follow
Also note that you need a 2.7 version of the module you are trying to install.
What module are you trying to install?
Also, some modules are not compatible with IronPython. It might help to start a new thread and mention the module exactly. Thanks!