Installing a new Python module in Rhino

Is it possible to install new Python module to use with the Rhino Python script interface?
I’d like to use the CSV module for example which I downloaded. But installation instruction ask for a classic Python machine that I don’t have and that probably won’t be usable in Rhino.
Any idea ? or explanation ?
Thank you


If you choose Tools -> Options… In the Python editor (_EditPythonScript), you can see the manually-added default search paths. However, the official list is the one you get when you run:

import sys

I hope this helps,


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

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csv is going to be a problem, sorry. This module should automatically just work in the V6 WIP, but for V5 you’re out of luck.

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Yes, thank you,
I knew about that, I was just using 32bit rep when running 64bit rhino.
Now, modules are detected.
Too bad that CSV can’t work in V5.

I have a module installed that I installed via PIP and can access via pycharm with python 3, but for the life of me I can’t get it to load in rhino/gh, I add the directory to python options via the editor in Rhino 6…

what am I missing?! Something in ironpython to install the module?

Did you follow

Also note that you need a 2.7 version of the module you are trying to install.

What module are you trying to install?

Also, some modules are not compatible with IronPython. It might help to start a new thread and mention the module exactly. Thanks!