In mirrored, can rhino highlight which part of the work is not mirrored

In this picture the left piece is mirrored to the right.but not properly.can rhino highlight the piece which piece is not mirrored

I saw in rhino 4 an yellow brep appeared when somthing is not properly mirrored

It is very important to work perfectly.when we don’t find out the not mirrored part it brings lot of cam please help me? Is it possible to highlight the not mirrored part?>like this

No, there’s no automatic command that will show you missing parts. How would it be possible for Rhino to know that something is missing?

I usually group children. For example, if I mirror something across the X and Y, my toolbar button looks like this:

! _Mirror Pause Copy=Yes YAxis
Select SelPrev SelLast Enter
Mirror Pause XAxis
Select SelPrev SelLast Enter

In this case, it looks like you want to use ArrayPolar:

! _ArrayPolar Pause Pause Pause Enter Enter
Select SelPrev SelLast Enter

If you want the parent to be excluded from the group, you can exclude SelPrev from the array polar command, but you’ll have to use _RemoveFromGroup at the end of the mirror command.

Sir i have done this with rhinoceros the above jpg.and the yellow brep how can you say that rhino has not the power to automatically highlight the not mirrored part?

I don’t remember v4 having that ability, nor do I know how it could have.

It would be great if you solve it if any chance,sir