(22.7 KB)
Good, Your design result is the design structure I want. Thank you very much, friend.
Is it possible to connect straight lines when three or four consecutive hexagons are materialized, and that no extra solid hexagons are connected to them?
yes,no matter how many
what do you mean straight line?
I mean when three or four continuous hexagons are materialized, can these hexagons be aligned in a straight line?
Thank you for your suggestions, dear friend.
See from your name, are you from China?
------------------ Original ------------------
yes,tell me your we chat
Now it is possible to materialize one or two hollow hexagons, but the number of hollow hexagons is too small.Only one hollow (12.9 KB)
Only one hollow (12.9 KB)
You already ignore that this is not a „do the work for me group“. But please do your own work first and finally decide which rules you have. Than hopefully someone sacrifices himself to finish your script and stop this madness.
Hi, friend
My wechat is 15367924380, and please add the number.
To fill a single hollow hexagon, I use the Random reduce for all the hexagonal centers at first, and then measure the distance between any two points. Finally, I use the dispatch according to the distance, and get the center of the non-adjacent hexagons. Friends, is this a good idea?
So great, this is my inquired result.
Thank you, my friend.
In this array of hexagons, how to implement three consecutive hexagons into a linear hexagon.
The current idea is that we randomly find a point A, then take point A as the center of symmetry and find the other two points on both sides of the point. The method implemented first finds the closest point of point A by the shortest distance, and then filters through three points of total line.
You must learn a programming language (C# Python …). You have to work with an array for each cell saying if cell is taken or not.
Begin by a cell, try to find “n” cells aligned
if Yes update the array with the cells taken and the neighbors, continue until there is no place.
You also have to understand topology. It could certainly be simple with Mesh. Look at my nColor script. It could help you.
I saw your script file and it really helped. But my question is a bit different.
The output is the coordinates of three (four, five) connected hexagons in a straight line.
The final three (four, five) adjacent hexagons are connected in a straight line, and the whole strip after the connection is not adjacent to each other.
I think the design is getting more and more complicated.