Importing Lines from Rhino to Revit as a Family

I’m working on exporting geometry from Rhino to Revit using Direct Shapes. I have a set of lines in Rhino, and I want to group them based on their names before pushing them to Revit. While the individual lines are being transferred correctly as Direct Shapes, when I group them in Rhino, the geometry doesn’t seem to carry over as expected. Could you help me to fix the this

lines.3dm (169.8 KB) (16.4 KB)
Test-.rvt (1.8 MB)

I have 39 lines under two names, and I want to group them and push them into two separate families

Hi muhammed muhasin,

I changed the category of your post to Rhino.Inside - Revit.

Please try to remember to include the Rhino version as well as Revit version when making posts (if not the assumption is Rhino 8 & Revit 2025)

You can group and push into Revit like so. Notice on your direct shape geometry input you grafted the geometry input creating individual lines. (15.6 KB)