Importing a location into rhino

I import a google maps image through blendr and then into rhino which gives me an accurate and detailed form of my site and the surrounding buildings however it’s not smooth and parts are clumped together. Is there anyway to solve this ? I’ve been thinking about trying keyshot to see if it fixes during the render. Any help will be greatly appreciated, and I’ll attach images below.

Hi Josh -

Isn’t it exactly the same in Blender?
Can you export the one (?) object that is (?) clumped together and post the .3dm here?

I suppose everything is relative, but turning the Google Maps output into something that is useful as you seem to define that, it probably not a simple throw of a switch…

Hi @Josh16 ,

You might need to use UnweldEdge and/or AlignVertices. Post one object as a 3dm here if needed using the Export command.