Import file and move


I am trying to import multiple AutoCad (dwg) files into Rhino with GH and place them at different heights. Each of the dwg files represent a storey in a building. I have different layers defined in my AutoCad (dwg) files that I need to use in my Rhino model.

I use ‘Import Content’ component to read the multiple files and then ‘Model object’ to get the objects in Rhino. Then I use a ‘Content Cache’ to bake the objects into respective layers (as defined in the dwg files). Then when i try to move these objects to respective heights with ‘Move’ component, the objects gets changed to geometries and all the layer information gets lost.

Is there a way to import files into Rhino with grasshopper and set coordinates for each so that I don’t have to move them? Or any other solution to move objects and retain their layer info?

Hi Ranjitha -

Continuing from

… you just have to reconnect the geometry to the original content with attributes to retain this layer information.



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Thanks a lot again. That fixed the issue.

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