Import 3DM component

Is the import 3DM component updated as I read in a few earlier posts? I am unable to see the defined layers in Rhino layer panel. I am using Rhino 8. Can anyone please help me with this?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Ranjitha -

I’m not sure what that means.
The Rhino document isn’t updated until the Grasshopper content is baked to the document.

Hi Wim,

Thanks for the help. When I try to bake the geometry imported from a dwg file with the help of Import DM component, I see only a ‘Default’ layer in the Attributes menu. Doesn’t Import 3DM read the layers defined in the dwg file? When we import directly to Rhino using File>Import, the layers appear automatically.
I am very new to grasshopper and appreciate your help.

Hi Ranjitha -

No, the Import 3DM component only imports geometry, not the attributes. To get the attributes, you’ll need to use the Import Content component:


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Which component then helps me to bake the objects to respective layers in Rhino?

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Hi -

The Content Cache component bakes geometry with attributes.

2024-06-05 - Bake with Layers


Sorry for a late reply but thanks a lot for the help. :slightly_smiling_face: