Implementing Event Listening for Custom Grasshopper Components


I want to listen for events from custom Grasshopper components in my application.

E.g. a component with name MyComponent is placed on the grasshopper canvas, then the parameter X (Int Value) has changed.

Now I would like to be notified that the parameter X of the component MyComponent has changed and receive the value of the changed parameter.

Can anyone help me how I can do this? :slightly_smiling_face:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Rhino.Runtime.InProcess;

namespace RhinoGrasshopper
  static class Program
    static Program()

    static void Main()

      using (var rhinoCore =
               new Rhino.Runtime.InProcess.RhinoCore(new string[] { "/NOSPLASH" }, WindowStyle.Normal))
        if (LaunchGrasshopper())
          Console.WriteLine(@"Grasshopper launched");
          Task.Run(() => ListenOnComponentChange());

        Rhino.RhinoApp.MainLoop += (s, e) => { if (Rhino.RhinoApp.IsClosing) Console.WriteLine(@"closing rhino"); };


    private static bool LaunchGrasshopper()
      var grasshopperInterface = Rhino.RhinoApp.GetPlugInObject("Grasshopper") as Grasshopper.Plugin.GH_RhinoScriptInterface;

      return grasshopperInterface != null;

    private static void ListenOnComponentChange()
      // Loop....
     // Component param has changed...


Hi Mr. Brunner,

I am not particularly familiar with grasshopper custom components. But could this not be solved by a standard event pattern?


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As chen said, you would need to look into events.
The below will notify you when a new input is plugged into the X coordinate of a Construct Point, but then you would need to do some further work to subscribe to changes to that input and retrieve the value.

        string _componentName = "Construct Point";
        string _parameterName = "X coordinate";

        private void SubscribeToComponentsAdded()
            var doc = OnPingDocument(); // this gets the document in grasshopper, you probably need to do it differently with Rhino.Inside
            if (doc == null) return;

            doc.ObjectsAdded += Doc_ObjectsAdded;

        private void Doc_ObjectsAdded(object sender, GH_DocObjectEventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_componentName)) return;
            var matchingComponents = e.Objects
                .Where(obj => obj.Name == _componentName);

            foreach (var component in matchingComponents)
                component.Params.ParameterChanged += Params_ParameterChanged;

        private void Params_ParameterChanged(object sender, GH_ParamServerEventArgs e)
            if (_parameterName == null) return;

            if (e.Parameter.Name != _parameterName) return;


Hope that helps a little


Hi Chen and dchristev

Thank you both for the hints.

I want to use an observer for my approach using the C# delegates / events. The hint with doc.ObjectsAdded += Doc_ObjectsAdded; has already helped me therefore.

I am now taking a brute force approach to wait for the GH_Document. As soon as this is instanciated i subscribe on ObjectsAdded.
In a further step, I subscribe to my own components.

 if (_grasshopperInterface.IsEditorLoaded())
   Task.Run(() => SubscribeToComponentsAdded());
  private static void SubscribeToComponentsAdded()
    GH_Document doc = null;
    while (doc == null)
     doc = Instances.ActiveCanvas.Document;

    doc.ObjectsAdded += (s, e) =>
      // do something