Image sampler specifying curve sizes

I’m currently working on an image sampler definition, but I’d like to limit the circle sizes to 5-8 specific sizes for fabrication purposes. Is there a way I could change the definition to allow me to apply those constraints?

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Where would this link to and from?

It is a simple example of interpreting a wide range of values (the Random output) as one of five possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. Those can be index values to your list of circle radii.

The image sampler will probably be lost in my modified copy of your file. Old GH bug. You must copy/paste and reconnect the one you have. Your Srf param was not internalized so I added a PlaneSrf instead. That needs to match the image size ratio, and ideally allow changing resolution while keeping the ratio of horizontal to vertical the same (not implemented below). (21.6 KB)

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The white group (below) is useful on all Image Sampler models. It handles size (scale) and resolution with respect to the actual image size. The ‘Radii List’ is set independently using the sliders in the blue group. (27.1 KB)

Thank you so much!

I’ve written a few of these before, though I enjoy solving the same puzzle over and over instead of re-using old code. This (version ‘c’ below) is lower resolution with reversed inputs on the Radii List domain. COSMETIC: Image Sampler is stretched to similar proportion to image dimensions. (28.7 KB)

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