I would like to make that offset curve into a polyline connected only at each layer, but it is difficult. Is there anyone who can help?
This is the process I have followed so far.
Spiral practice.3dm (131.1 KB)
Spiral practice.gh (11.0 KB)
Spiral practice.3dm (131.1 KB)
Spiral practice.gh (11.0 KB)
Does this help?
bb1.gh (16.2 KB)
In my GH file I internalize lots of values: your geometry, the Twist axis values, and the Pipe radius. You can connect sliders for these if you want to change them.
not sure of what you want, but if you want flat spiral, I think the most simple is to use a spiral formula as you seem to work with circles.
But if you want more general polyline spiral from closed curve you can look at
also you can search by yourself with Google using these keyword and this syntax
I also have some tools in Nautilus plugin
It was very helpful. thank you
It’s a little different from what I wanted, but thank you anyway