Hey hello, i would be very happy if anybody in here could get me some hints how to achiev this:
I’ve got loooots of houses, seperated in roof and ground surface, all of the roof meshes lay in one layer, all of the ground meshes in another. The goal is, to get proper walls and finally closed polysurfaces.
my first attempt was do extrude the floors and split them with the roof breps, but the roofs aren’t always perfect so some splits worked, some not. I used a dispatcher to get only the splitted parts underneath the roofs, but since the cutting didn’t work out on every house, this confused the whole thing and i ended up with a lot of uncutted extrusions.
My explanation was, that every roof tries to split every extrusion, which will be a massiv problem if i use the big file with arround 1000 houses. So i came up with the idea about identify the right roof to the proper floor, and my trees are looking good so far.
In short: I would like to have a list, each branch 1 house, witch 2 subbranches (or items) as roof and floor. I just don’t know how to connect them.
Is this the proper way how to solve this?
Does anybody have a different idea?
I answered that in the code. It was also necessary to match the wall fragments to appropriate roofs (cyan group) before using them as cutters for the extruded (scaled) floors.
‘Simplify’ was used here extensively to merge data trees correctly.
If all of your floors are planar and Cap Holes in previous post never fails, you can ignore this, but it occurs to me that it may not always be so? If Cap Holes fails then BrepInc(Point In Brep) will fail and wall fragments won’t be joined to roofs properly.
So I came up with this that does the same thing using BBox(Bounding Box). Default orientation is ‘World XY’ which looks like this and might cause problems:
I used the phrase “wall fragments” and labeled the geo param Mesh (walls) but they are really dormer “walls” and for roofs with dormers (2 of the 7 roofs), it was critical to Mesh Join them to their respective roofs (cyan group), otherwise those two roofs failed as cutting shapes to split the extruded floor curves to get the true building walls.